Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Winter semester

One week into school now and we are still alive. My classes this semester all seemed like they would be pretty manageable. The problem however was the online advanced writing class I signed up for. The first writing class was a breeze but in the first few days I had more homework from that class than any of my other classes combined. It was as if the teacher thought that was the only class I was taking. After 2 days of searching, another English class came available on campus for me to take. My schedule this semester was full of classes I needed to take which were only offered at one time and that happened to overlap every other open alternative classes I could take. This new class is not at a most convenient time for me but at least I will have a teacher I can talk to in person and not just a bunch of homework with no instruction. So far it seems like a good class. Still not quite sure how this semester will turn out but I do really like most of my classes.
As most of you know I am not good with tests or quizzes but a lot of my teachers have open book quizzes that are not timed so it helps me to be able to find the answers. I know that doesn't sound like I am learning anything but in my own way I am.
The one thing I am liking about my English class is it is teaching me how to read things to better comprehend them through writing in margins and making notes as I read. So I stop after each paragraph and write key words in the margins to be able to reference it easier. My goal is to learn how to write in the margins of electronic readings so I don't have to print everything off first. Maybe that is just wishful thinking.
Zack is doing well in his classes. Most of his teachers don't give homework so once he comes home from campus he is done for the day. I can not say the same for my teachers. The good news is that his Anatomy and Physiology II instructor is way better than his first one and it seems like this semester will not be as hard as he expected. The teacher seems to want to be helpful to his students and allow them to seek his assistance whenever needed, which is way awesome.

1 comment:

Lorna DeRoest said...

I know it takes time to once again get back into school mode. I'm sure you'll to great.