Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Friday, May 6, 2011

out door cooking

For my outdoor cooking class I learned a new style of cooking outside. It is called a Box oven.

  • line the inside of a card board box with tin foil.

You use charcoal to bake your product. In this case it was the recipe below. Which are awesome by the way.

  • looking at each charcoal representing 40 degrees each. So divide your normal cooking temperature, (350) by 40. We just rounded up to 10 coals.
  • evenly distributing the coals throughout the surface area to be covered by the box.
  • Using a cooking rack that is placed above the coals, place your pastry on a cooking sheet on top of the rack, placing the box over the top to trap in the heat.

This picture shows the tray and coals but the box would face down over the top of the food instead of sideways.

Cinnamon rolls

2 cups milk

4 oz butter

2 Tbs yeast

1/3 cup warm water

2 eggs

1 tsp salt

1/3 cup sugar

5-6 cups flour

    1. Scald milk for 3 minutes in the microwave.

    2. Add butter and melt in the milk.

    3. Dissolve yeast in warm water.

    4. Beat eggs in mixer, and then add milk and butter.

    5. When tepid to the touch add yeast mixture, salt and sugar.

    6. Add 5-6 cups of flour to make a sticky dough

    7. Spray oil on bowl and let rise in a warm place for ½ hour.

    8. For rolls: Shape into balls and place on a baking sheet and let rise again, then bake at 350 for 15 minutes.

    9. For sweet rolls: roll out dough in a rectangle and brush with melted butter then top with brown sugar, white sugar, cinnamon, and instant butterscotch pudding (optional). Roll and slice with floss or string. Bake and spread with icing.


4 oz butter

1 cup brown sugar

½ cup evaporated milk

1/3 cup powdered sugar

Optional- instant butterscotch pudding

    1. Combine butter and brown sugar and evaporated milk, bring to a boil and cook to soft ball stage.

    2. Remove from heat and add powdered sugar and pudding.

So if for some reason your oven doesn't work you can always use the box oven. It is a lot of fun and not very much preparation at all. Enjoy!


Lorna said...

Very cool JoJo. Do you have an oven door for this. LOL.

nanadover said...

I used to teach the outdoor cooking for the District BSA Scoutmaster training. I love baking in the box oven! Have you learned to cook in a dutch oven too? What other methods did you learn? We'll have to compare cooking methods sometime. So much fun!