Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Zack's birthday!

What Zack really wanted for his birthday this year was to go to the City of Rocks. So along with some cousin's and mission buddies, we made it happen. We drove down to the city Friday the 8th and played around a little before camping the night. We spent the majority of the 9th, which is his birthday, in the city climbing where his grandpa Donkin used to take him as a kid for family reunions.
On top of bath tub rock the first day.
The whole group minus one at Window rock
Inside Dragon's mouth rock. Hard to see the whole things because it requires sitting at the edge of a cliff to take the picture.

Zack played the guitar as Rachel read the story of the 3 little pigs.
Climbing up the front side of bath tub rock

Elder Cummins (Zack's MTC Companion)on the right And Elder Burke (Zack's trainee) on the left
Climbing down Bread loaves as it started to rain.
Zack and his cousin Grace getting a little up close and personal.


Naomi said...

Looks like a fun birthday Zack! I'm glad that you got to have a fun adventure to celebrate. I hope that the fun continues through the year. Happy birthday wishes from Texas.

Lorna DeRoest said...

I'm glad Zake had such a great Birthday at the City of Rocks. I know it brings back allot of fun memories for him.