Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Friday, August 19, 2011


We had planned to do internships in Tucson Arizona for the fall semester, however we got a change of plans when we finally got here. Thankfully we got a short job for about 2.5 weeks of being here. A coworker of our sister in law Gayle needed some help remodeling a rental house that had been destroyed by previous tenants. We repainted, re-floored and fixed up other odds and ends. We pretty much spent the last of our money to get down here to Arizona so it was truly a blessing to know we will now have enough money to get back.

This trip has not been in vain. It has been a lot of fun spending time with Family and being able to visit a few more temples. We went to Mesa temple, where Zack went through the temple for the first time. I had only done baptisms there when I lived here 2 years ago.

Sam and Bill (Zack's aunt and Uncle) were in town to see their son Christian (the hairy one, his friend Ryan on the right) who are working for a summer camp down in this area. So they came to the temple with us too.

We were also able to go to Gila Valley temple with Sam and Gayle. They had never been to that temple yet. That is not their temple district and it was only dedicated a year or so ago. It is a very small temple. Beautiful though. It looks a lot like the Rexburg temple on the outside and a little bit inside too but not much.
Besides being the hottest month out of the year, it has been a great trip. It was good timing in some regards though. I had a niece born on August 16th and my parents came to Arizona to visit. Not to mention on our why back to Idaho we will be able to go to 4 out of the 5 temples we wanted to go to. Vernal Utah temple is closed that week for cleaning. Sadly, we will have to wait on that one for a while. By the end of this trip we will be at 21 temples.


Anthony DeRoest said...

That's awesome! I'm glad (despite some changes & unexpected things) that you two are doing well. I love going to different Temples, that has to be fun & fulfilling. 21 is impressive! Love & hugs
Chelsea & family

Lorna said...

You seem to make the best of every situation, and enjoy the journey of life. Always keep that focus and continue to visit all of the temple you can.