Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Friday, January 20, 2012


When we went home for Christmas this year, I asked my mom to teach me how to crochet. She taught me some basic things and to tell the truth I didn't quite get the hang of it. i did keep practicing though and this is what I got. I think I was going for a hot pad or something but ran out of yarn.
I got a bit better with my next project. Still not perfect by any means.
I decided to make a little blanket. I got about half way done before I ran out of yarn again.

This was a whoops, but it turned out as a ruffle, so i decided to just go with it.
I think I will end up doing a ruffle all the way around if I can figure it out on the sides.
I feel like I really have the hang of it now. I figured out some kind of design with the basic stitch, which I think turned out pretty good for my first try. I did this much in less than 3 days, and I can watch a movie or whatever at the same time so it doesn't have to be my main focus. I am pretty proud of myself.