Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Friday, February 24, 2012

I did it!

I just finished crocheting a blanket. It is a baby blanket size but still, it turned out way cute. I did a basket weave stitch and then put a border along the outside. I have tried a bunch of different stitches and I am getting pretty good. With each new thing I try I seem to learn more and more. I have taught myself how to do some things and then followed youtube videos for some other things. I plan on making baby booties or hats soon. I have some nephews being born this year and so I am starting on some other projects as well. I must be prepared.


Lorna DeRoest said...

Sweetheart, that turned out great!!!! I have never done the basket weave stitch. It really looks nice.

JoAnna and Zack said...

Thank you. It is really easy so I can teach you if you want.

Randi said...

That does look great! I am super impressed that you taught yourself how to do that. I told Brent that reminds me of him. He teaches himself how to do lots of stuff by watching you tube videos. Don't forget about your niece that was born just a few months ago...hahaha.

JoAnna and Zack said...

Is there anything you request Randi? I have had some ideas for baby girl stuff too. what size cloths does she wear now?

Randi said...

I was just kidding. You don't have to make her anything. It's fun to be crafty though isn't it! I love coming up with new things to keep me busy...when the girls are sleeping.