Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines day!

This is the project I have been working on for Zack for Valentines day. It is a box of date night ideas. Each are categorized in different sections such as "Active, Relaxing, Food, Memories, and Creative". I had looked at a lot of different date ideas online and chose things I thought we might enjoy doing together. Active- sport like activities. Relaxing- crosswords, people watching. Food- Fondue party, hot chocolate bar. Creative- soap carving contest, take a tour of the house you will someday love to own. Memories- recreate your first date, watch old cartoon/ movies from your childhood and reminisce old times. There are Hundreds of ideas but you should get the jist of it. If you need ideas, I have them.
This is something that I figured would be good to have especially down the road when life gets busy and kids are in the picture.
For valentines day this year I decided to do one of the things in the box. With slight variation. For our first valentines day instead of our first date.

Sorry it is so little. I don't know what happened.

Zack brought me a teddy bear, Martinelli's, A single red rose and a home made heart shaped cookie to school because he had to work at the restaurant that night and wanted to make sure I knew he cared. When I got home from school there were a dozen red roses some heart shaped balloons and balloons all over my bed.
I did not go quite as far as he did to recreate it, but this is how it turned out.
The cookies didn't turn out. I have never made sugar cookies successfully.

Zack got me a really cool sewing kit. I saw it at the store once and he remembered that I liked it. What a cutie.
Zack also made dinner for us. It doesn't look like much but MAN it was good. It was lime rosemary chicken pasta. We had something like it at Johnny Carinos once and he decided he wanted to make it. Can I just tell you my husband is a great cook. Thanks babe!

1 comment:

Lorna DeRoest said...

glad you both had a wonderful evening, or day. You really need to make my sugar cookie recipe. It always turns out. Dinner does look very good. It looks more like shrimp in with the noodles, rather than chicken. YUM !!!