Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

St. Patrick's day

Since we missed Pi day this year, Zack decided I should make a pie later in the week, so I made apple pie for St. Patrick's day, with a green crust.

Continuing to perfect my bread making skills, I made green bread as well. The bread turned out better than the rolls.
We had green milk and lucky charms for breakfast as well. We made it a weekend event. We had our Corn-beef and cabbage on Sunday for dinner.


Anthony DeRoest said...

Looks crafty & yummy. I'm glad you had a couple days of celebrating. It's fun to have reasons to celebrate & do things to break out of the mundane. (: Hope you're both well, hugs & love

Lorna DeRoest said...

Glad you are enjoying the celebration of the holidays. Its fun to be festive I think. Maybe you got that from me. Love U