Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

28 weeks

I had my 28 week appointment Monday. The main part of this visit was the glucose test. I have heard many bad stories about how awful the glucose tastes and how the whole experience is a bad one. I had the lemon lime flavor and to be honest I liked the taste. It was infact life flat 7up but sweeter. It was not until the last couple of drinks that it hit how sweet it was and started to burn the back of my throat. I have had a lot of heartburn lately so that my have had something to do with it as well. The moral of the store is my levels were really good for Iron and glucose. I do not have a case of the gestational diabetes.
In measurements I was at 29 centimeters, just over but still in the normal range. His heart rate has been about 160 every time we go in and it was the same this time. He seems to be right where he should be. I think it is interesting though. I always thought they would tell me where I should be or how I am doing in comparison to other people for weight gain and his size or whatnot but they have not even mentioned that I should exercise or eat specific food. I get more of that from my WIC Appointments and reading.

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