Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Thursday, May 9, 2013

baby count down

I am starting to understand that, I want this baby out, feeling everyone always talks about. I always thought, you have been pregnant 9 months, what is just a few more days? This last few weeks have been hard. I am not going to lie. My body is on a timer when as sleep. I can't sleep very long before everything starts to hurt or feel uncomfortable. I find it really difficult to breath at random times throughout the day. I feel nauseous a lot, probably due to heart burn. I feel like these 9 months have gone by pretty fast and I have had a great pregnancy so far. I guess now I am starting to feel like a wimp and I really want to meet him. There are a lot of things going through my head about what to do when he does get here. Working around Zack going to school and me going back to work. Working around family in town. And most of all, trying to figure out if I can really handle labor. Zack has been a great help for me in going to the birthing classes and learning breathing and coaching techniques. The other day I had a back cramp, that hurt really bad and I was not handling it well but when Zack got me to calm down it went away. I know I can labor as long as Zack is with me, I just don't really know what to do to prepare without actually being in pain.
On a lighter note, I am getting everything ready for Luke to arrive. Birth plan is written, bags are packed, car seat ready to go into the car, his room is getting there. I just have a couple things to get before he is born. I am reading books like crazy to feel a little more prepared. They are surprisingly helpful. Things are totally different when they are your own children. Babysitting, I think the youngest kid I ever had was 6 months and I wasn't the one making the decisions. Now there are so many things to think about and prepare for. I am really glad we have gone to a birthing class because she has brought up all kinds of questions and ideas I never would have thought of. We had our tour of the hospital the other day. We got registered and got to see where everything happens and where we need to go. I think I feel prepared for everything except the actual labor portion. I just need to have confidence in myself. I know I can do it but there is always the fear at the beginning.
Count down says 19 days until my due date. I hope for before that but I know he will come when he is supposed to come and it will work out for the best when he does.
We are excited to meet you Luke!

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