Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


It really is hard to say whether it will be an easy or hard night sleep for Luke. He is pretty consistent as to when he wakes up. It is mostly a matter of how long he will be awake when he wakes up.
Last night was a really good night. Zack and I both felt like we got enough sleep when we woke up. Luke went to bed at midnight and only woke up once at 4:30am before waking up again at 9am.
We have moved Luke into his own room. I know, he is only a month old and he is already sleeping in his own room. Our bedrooms are right next to each other and we keep both of the doors open. I think we all sleep better because we do not wake up to every grunt or noise he makes, I wait until he is actually awake, or wanting to eat before picking him up. I hope from this point on the nights will be like last night. I don't even mind him going to sleep at midnight as long as I can get a few good hours out of him. Zack and I are normally up later anyway.

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