Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Grad school

Applications are in!
  1. Eastern Washington University
  2. University of Washington
  3. George fox University
  4. University of  Montana
  5. University of Utah
  6. Rocky Mountain University
  7. North Texas University
  8. Texas State University
  9. University of Indianapolis 
  10. Tennessee State University
  11. Duke University
We are trying the shotgun method and hoping to get in the first year. Zack applied as early as he could so we will not hear from the school for a while. The soonest interviews are in November but they will go through March of next year. It will be a long waiting process but we will keep you posted as to how it all turns out.
These schools are not listed in order of preference. We are hoping for someplace close to family mostly. We hope to get into more than one school and have options but we will not be greedy.  

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