Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Thursday, October 24, 2013

5 months

Luke is 5 months old today. 
  • This month he started eating rice cereal. 
  • He rolled from his back to his tummy. He only did it once when we were not looking of coarse but he did it himself. 
  • He sat up on his own for 2 minutes strait without falling, again, wont do it again.
  • He puts everything in his mouth whenever he gets the chance.
  • He is starting to sleep more than 30minute naps but only under spastic circumstances.
  • He loves to smile and he laughs all the time.
  • We still have not figured out why he spits up all the time. It doesn't even bother him anymore, he just goes on playing and smiling as if nothing happened.
We are so grateful for our sweet little boy.

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