Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Thursday, December 5, 2013


When we traveled to Portland Luke didn't poop for the 1st 4 days. He pooped once but held off yet again until our travels home. On our way back we made it almost to La Grande when I started to smell something gross. I looked over at Luke and there was a puddle of yellow liquid in his lap. I screamed and told Zack to pull over as soon as possible to a gas station to clean him up. Zack didn't catch on to how bad it was so he ran in to the bathroom as soon as we got there. I tried my best to clean him up in the car seat but I had to pull him out and strip him down to just his diaper. Poor baby was freezing but I had to get it off. We ended up using almost all of our wet wipes and throwing away the clothes he was wearing. There was not saving them. Zack came into the Woman's bathroom with me to clean him up. Everyone around understood. It took us at least 30 minutes to clean up his car seat though. It was gross. We finished the journey and put the car seat parts in the the washer right away. I am not sure why he held off to poop until then. He has been regular again since. It does make for a good story even if it was crazy when it happened.

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