Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cascade Terrace

For the past two months or so I have been volunteering at Cascade Terrace, where my grandparents live. My major in collage is Recreational management and I want to be an activities director at a retirement home so I decided to gain some experience while I am here in Portland. So far it has been a wonderful experience. A few weeks ago I was informed that they may be hiring an assistant and I asked about the position. I would only be here until January so it wouldn't be long term but they said they might be able to find something for me. I received a phone call offering me the position to work full time for the time being as the Activities Director. The one I had trained with is no longer working there and while they have an add out for a more permanent worker they would like me to take over. Once that person is hired I would be moved to part time for the remainder of my stay in Portland.
I am so excited for the further experience I will receive there. This should help out a lot for my future of finding a job in this field. I am so grateful for this blessing in my life. And the best part is not only do I get paid to do something I love but I dont have to work construction anymore to try and make a little extra money.


Lorna DeRoest said...

I am so excited about your new responsibilities. This will be such a good experience for you and your future.

Naomi said...

Congratulations kiddo! I'm so happy for you. Keep up the good work.