Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas letter

I suppose following our blog you should know what has happened this year in our little Donkin Family. Instead of send out letters like my family used to do I figure it would be easier to post here.
This year has been full of wonderful blessings. I went through the temple for the first time April 9th and we got married a week later. Zack and I have both been called to work in the Rexburg temple. We have visited 9 temples together and try to plan our trips around visits to the temple. We have enjoyed our cute little apartment in Rexburg, Idaho and the 3 month adventure here in Portland for the holidays and work. We have bought a new car and have sold our old one. I have 2 more semesters until I graduate with my Bachelors degree in Recreational Management and hope to obtain a job in Rexburg next fall doing the same thing I am doing here for my internship, working as an activities director at a retirement facility. We have had 8 blissful months of marriage together, and plan on many more to come. Zack has recovered well from his skiing accident in January, and has started towards his physical therapy training for his future career.
All is well in our little Donkin Family and we want to wish you a
Merry Christmas and Happy New YEAR!

1 comment:

Lorna DeRoest said...

You have only just begun. So many wonderful adventures lie ahead of you. We have enjoyed having you both here these past few months, and are very excited for your future. Enjoy! Love ya,