Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Sunday, December 5, 2010

I'm 22!

For my birthday this year I worked a full day and managed to keep it a secret from almost everyone. The people that work in the office looked it up so they cheated.
Mom made me turkey pot pie for dinner because I love the stuff and we had left over turkey from Thanksgiving. That evening Zack took me to Ikea because I had never been to one before. It was a fun experience. Unlike anything I had ever seen before. I have no idea how to shop there. It was far too confusing for me. I had intentions of getting chocolate for my birthday dessert but the minute I smelled the cinnamon rolls they have there, that idea went out the window. I am totally a smell person. I can completely change what I want to eat by smelling something different. Anyway, we ended the evening with a 6 pack of cinnamon rolls that made me happy.


Lorna DeRoest said...

Glad you had a good day. 22 years has really gone by fast. So much you have accomplished in such a short time. Love you!

Naomi said...

Yay for double digits!!! I'm glad that you had a good birthday and topped it off with a 6-pack. lol. Love ya.