Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Beauty and the Beast

We watched Beauty and the Beast for the first time in a about 5 years yesterday. I remembered how much I love that movie.
All this time on my back has given me a lot of free time so I decided that it would be cool to have a beauty and the Beast room. This is my idea. I first thought to use the actual Disney items but decided that would be way more expensive and just for the kids to enjoy. So I could use mostly real items as replacements instead. What do you think?

Disney idem:
replacement decor:

Disney idem:

replacement decor:
Disney idem:
replacement decor:
Disney idem:

replacement decor:
Disney idem:
replacement decor:

If you have any more suggestions let me know. The library is pretty awesome too but so impractical and not possible to make it that cool.


Lorna DeRoest said...

So is Zack on board for this idea?

JoAnna and Zack said...

He said we would discus it when I am on less Vicodin. lol

Naomi said...

teehee you crack me up. less vicodin... :-)
I think that the replacement items are much more age appropriate and good picks thus far. A girls gotta dream so live the dream sista!