Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Sunday, January 23, 2011

more on back pain

I am still on bed rest and can not understand how my mom did this for 6 months while carrying me. I am on day 3 and starting to have weird repercussions. I tried going to church today but found that sitting for that long starts to have weird side effects on my legs, which my doctor told me to look out for. If my legs become numb or tingly for an extended period of time I am supposed to go to the doctor right away. When I started to feel that way I just went home and laid down. It felt a bit better after that. I did decide that going back to school Monday would not be a good idea because I would be sitting in class for 3 hours. I emailed my teachers and hopefully they will help me out with this one. One of my classes is risk management, so he might even use me as an example.
If all of you would just keep me in your prayers so I can recover quickly and not have any long term damage, I would really appreciate it.

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