Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy Anniversary

Exactly one year ago, on January 20th 2010, Zack tore his ACL skiing at approximately 7 pm.
At approximately 7pm January 20th 2011 I got a compressed fracture sledding.
I went sledding for the first time in about 12 years with a group from the school. My sled went diagonal down the hill and hit the biggest jump there was. I screamed the whole way down because I think I knew what was going to happen when I saw the direction of my sled. I hit the jump I had been trying to avoid, it through me up into the air and I landed on my head and shoulders while the rest of my body accordioned onto of itself. They told me if I had gone about 6 more inches up I would have done a back flip. The compression was in the arch of my back on the front side where I folded. I have a small bruise on my head but no other damage. I consider myself very lucky, and had I noticed it was the same day of Zack's accident, I probably would not have gone.
Poor Zack had to see the whole thing and it scared the poop out of him. (not literally) He told me afterward that he didn't think spouses should ever be allowed to see things like that. They should just be told afterward so they know everything will be okay. He got to me first to see if my neck was broken. Thankfully EMT's were near by and saw what happened. They were at a hockey game about 100 or so yards away.
I got to ride in an ambulance for the first time. I also got an IV for the first time and found out how uncomfortable a stretchers is. It was a night of firsts for me. I have never gone to the hospital for an emergency before.
Recovery will consist of about 4 days bed rest, and a lot of assistance with getting up, going to the bath room, and changing cloths. When I bend my back it needs to be fast and not allow the pressure to stay on that spot. It hurts if it does. I got a prescription for the pain but I can feel it getting better already. Zack has been great taking care of me and helping with things I cant do right now.
All in all it was a miracle I wasn't hurt more than I was.


Lorna DeRoest said...

I would say you are right about a miracle on your behalf. I am so grateful you didn't have any thing more happen.

Brent said...

Hey! We posted a sledding post too! We had a different story though (thank goodness). I'm glad to hear that you're alright sis. Love ya~