Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Years Eve

While the Donkin family was still in town we decided to go to the Beach for a day trip. Sam and Gayle were not able to come with us but Andy, Shiloh, Pete, Danny, Russ and Cindy all went with us; or rather we went with them.
The drive to the beach was beautiful. Not exactly what you expect when you want to spend a day at the beach but I love the look of snow in the trees, especially when I am warm in side the car.

We made quite a few stops on our way. Most of which consisting of delicious food. We stopped at Tillamook Cheese factory first, then traveled on to Carla's Smoke house in Rockaway.
We stopped for a few minutes in Garibaldi but Pete needed to take a nap so we traveled on to Hug Point where we spent most of our beach experience.

Pete was perfectly appareled for the trip, wearing his Shark hat, which was a big hit.
Andy brought along his "peepers" or binoculars. There were no whales that we could see but there were ships that you could see anchored farther out.
Most of the places we went at this beach it was hard to take Danny so Russ and Cindy were not able to come down with us to the caves. They did get out of the car for a bit though.
It was a beautiful day. It was still pretty cold but the weather was good to us and the wind wasn't too bad either.
The fun thing about this beach is the caves. There are a lot of fun places for pictures and playing in the water, Pete didn't seem to mind that the water was cold. After hug Point we traveled on to Cannon Beach where we had fish and chips at The Ecola Restaurant by the Ecola State Park.
We headed back after that to Vancouver for our New years eve celebration. That also consisted of a lot of good food, most of which wasn't eaten because everyone was so full from earlier. There was however an artichoke dip that Zack's Aunt made, That was oh so delicious. We had a lot of fun visiting and watched the ball drop in New York. Not too exciting but we had a good time.
Happy New Year!

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