Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Do you ever have the feeling like when you tell yourself you will never do something, the Lord comes back and proves you are not in charge but rather He is. This last week has been a lot of that for Zack and I. Not too long ago Zack thought of the idea of doing physical therapy for the military. Now there are two ways of doing that, one being to join the military through the ROTC program and the other becoming a contractor for the military. After looking in to both options and weighing the pro's and con's we did decide to go with the Military. Both of us feel really good about it.
The military is:
a motivator for exercise
a great financial benefit
a good steady job
well paying job
going to pay for grad school
very rewarding experience

The Army ROTC program is offered here at BYUI and it is a very good program. His major will stay the same, that being Recreational Therapy, with a cluster in Spanish, which are credits he got right after his mission and a minor in military science. This will only add a couple classes to his work load for graduation but will open a lot more possibilities for the future.
Long story short US Army here we come!


Naomi said...

You're gonna be an army wife...awesome! Well with a little luck you may just move to Texas eventually? There are lots of bases in this vast state. :-) Best of luck to you and Zack.

JoAnna and Zack said...

Baylor university is in Texas actually so with a little luck we will go there right after here. in about 2 years or so. That school is in Waco so it looks like it is north of Austin but not too far. You would be our mid point to Rodney in San Antonio. Anyway we are really excited.