Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


March 29th was a sad day in our house, my beloved computer died. This computer has been with me since the beginning of my college years and about a year and a half before that she was purchased by my brother Rodney. She had a long life of 6 1/2 years. As all deaths, it was unexpected and I was not prepared. Next week is finals week and instead of tests I have major projects due. All of which were not backed up on anything but my beloved computer. After a long night of tears and unanswered questions I visited the computer help desk on campus to see what could be done to resuscitate my computer or retrieve the saved information. They were able to retrieve the information so all was not lost. However they are not sure if resuscitation is possible. We are down to one computer in our household which makes things difficult to do homework when everything is due at the same time.
Rest In Peace beloved computer.


Lorna DeRoest said...

So sad. I am glad you were able to retrieve the info off of it however. Hang in there, something will work out.

Unknown said...

Putting it out of it's misery my be the best closure you can have. Ready, Aim, ......