Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Temple Worker

I have been Called to work as an ordnance worker in the Rexburg Temple. The plan was to start working there in January however this semester has been very busy for me, it has worked out great for me to have that time to work on homework while Zack was in the temple on Saturdays. We will be working together now, during the afternoon shift on Saturdays, from 9:45-4:15. I have just been set apart and will start working on the 23rd of April. We are going to Zack's cousin's wedding in California on the 9th and then our Anniversary is the 16th. Next semesters classes should be a lot easier and less time consuming, which I am very much looking forward to and I am very excited to start working in the temple again.


Lorna DeRoest said...

Congratulations! What a great blessing that will be in your life.

Anthony DeRoest said...

I'm jealous!!! Maybe one day we'll be close to one & I can make up for this whole 4 hours away thing.. Love ya
Chelsea & the boys