Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Sunday, July 3, 2011

2nd of July

The declaration of Independence was signed on July 2nd. Here in Driggs Idaho every year there is a big event commemorating our nations independence. At the Huntsman ranch there is a huge event featuring an Air show, BMX bikers, car show, face painting, bounce castles for the little kids, Fire works and performances with no entrance fees. The main reason we decided to attend was because Glenn Beck was speaking.
(Zack being Zack)

(The Turners attended the event with us. Lydia and Emma Turner, AKA nieces)
(Melinda Turner taking a nap in the sun AKA Zack's Sister )
(More Turner Family spending time in the sun)

It was a long day in the sun and we will remember to bring something for shade next year, as well as some activities to keep us busy in between events.
(Glenn Beck as he speaks)
Glenn's Speech began at 9pm when it started to get darker so they could project onto the screens. All of his remarks were about REMEMBERING. Remember how we got the freedoms of this country. Remember that serving one another is part of the American Religion. Remember the Divine Hand in the foundation of this country. Asking yourselves if we are achieving the purpose that God intended for this country.
(Zack as he watches the fire works)
He asked us to think of the star spangle banner as we watch the fire works and think of the bombs bursting in air, giving proof that our flag was still there. What a beautiful image to remember.

Our location for everything was great. We did have some people sit right in front of us about an hour before it all started, which was rude but all was forgotten when the fire works started. The fire works were lit off about 100 yards away from us and we could feel the sound of each one of them, Just like the bombs bursting in air. It was the best fire works display I have ever seen. We will defiantly be going there again next year.
(These fire works pictures are not zoomed in at all. They were taken from my laying position on the field. And of course pictures can not do it justice.)

1 comment:

Lorna DeRoest said...

Zack, that truly it a wonderful image you portray while watching the fireworks. It looks like they were quite beautiful. I love to watch fireworks done by professionals.