Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Friday, July 1, 2011


I was introduced to this website not to long ago and I think it is really interesting.
It is a place you are able to pin your interests. Meaning if you find things on the internet that you want to keep for later, such as decorations for your house, photo ideas, crafts, whatever, you can post them here. Something like this would have been great for planning my wedding because I was collecting everything and putting it on my computer. This way it is saved online and you can access it where ever.
With school getting out soon I have been getting into a lot of craft ideas. I have looked at other peoples pins for ideas and re-pined their favorites. I love it. I have so many new ideas of things I want to make.
This is an invite only page so you can look at some things but in order to get an account you have to be invited. If you are interested send me your email address.

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