Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Food Dehydrator

Last Christmas we got a food dehydrator and have planned to do something with it for quite some time. A few weeks ago Melinda Turner (Zacks sister who we are currently living with) got a box of peaches and didn't know what to do with them so we suggested dehydration. We have been obsessed with it ever since. After the peaches we decided to get apples as well. At work there is an apple tree with full grown apples, and far too many for the residents to eat so I asked if I could take some home.
In all we dried Apples, Peaches, a few bananas,and some strip steaks. And I know this will not be the last of our dehydrating adventures.
The meat is currently drying so pictures will have to go on another post.

I dried about 20 apples and then used the rest, (That were not eaten by little children) to make apple pie filling. I have to admit that the apple pie I made was the best I have done so far. I used my aunt Linda's recipe and it turned out Awesome.

1 comment:

Lorna DeRoest said...

That's my girl. Good job!!