Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Sunday, September 25, 2011

internships/ employment

Now that we finally have our internships set up and paperwork all taken care of, I decided it was about time to update the blog.
Zack is working with a guy in our ward for his internship out in Arco; it is about an hour and a half west of here. The name of the location is Lost Rivers Hospital. He seems to be enjoying it. He is learning a lot and only working there 3 days a week.
I am working in Rigby at an assisted living center called "The Homestead". It is a smaller place than I worked at before in Portland. There are 15 residents as apposed to 80. I had every intention of transferring to the Rexburg location, however I am really enjoying the smaller group, and I love the residents here. I too am gaining a lot of experience and having a lot of fun. The home is in the process of a few employment changes so I am hoping that I will be able to apply for their part time activities position when it becomes available. Pictures are available on facebook of the homestead and the events we do there. I am in a few of them but more will be there in the future I am sure.
For the next few months another job has opened up for Zack to do on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Jim (Zack's brother in law that we are living with) has another job available to him that will not allow him to do his current Tuesdays Thursday job, so to help each other out, Zack will take over the Tuesday Thursday job so that when Jim's current situation changes he will be able to take it back, and Zack can make some money in the mean time. The only problem now is figuring out how I am going to get into work those days.

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