Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I graduated!

Me, my brother Rodney and his wife Lauren. We all finished together

My very supportive husband

We made it!

I finished college! It is nice to know that I have a degree to fall back on if needed and that I don't have to go to school anymore. Looking back on these 4 years, I can say I have enjoyed each of them, some more than others. I did really enjoy going to Brigham Young University Idaho because I felt welcome and at home. I enjoyed the friends I made, the crazy memories, the fun things I have learned and people I have gotten to work with. I had some really amazing teacher and classmates. I have thought about sitting in on a few classes while I am here with Zack, that way I don't have to do the homework but I can still continue to learn. We will see what the future brings.
I graduated with a Bachelors degree in Recreation Management and a Minor in child development. With an accumulative GPA of 3.5
I have not gotten a job yet, but hope to be able to soon, even though it will be difficult in this economy and in a college town. Thank you for all of your support on my behalf.


Jer and Myaela said...


Lorna DeRoest said...

My babies have college degrees. So very proud of each of you for your hard work, and dedication. Great Job!