Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Our Christmas

Zack and I opened our gifts early this year. The plan was to wait to be with family but secretly I wanted to open them with just the two of us, and well, I guessed what my present was so I made him open his too.
For the past few weeks I have been working on a Christmas project for Zack and have been having a hard time not showing him the finished product because I am so proud of it. I knew how much he likes Monopoly, and could not decide on a monopoly that would be the best until I came across a printable "Back to the Future" Monopoly. For any of you that do not know, the Donkin family has watched "Back to the Future" Millions of times because it is their brother Danny's favorite trilogy. When I think of the Donkin family, I think "Back to the Future".
Anyway, this printable board gave me the idea to make my own. I will admit I used some of the ideas from the printable board, but in the end mine is by far, the best. I was able to modge podge pictures onto an original monopoly board. I had to print my own event, people and property cards. It was a lot of work but I did the majority of it after I was done with my internship so I had the time.

Okay so Zack told me not to touch my present because even though it was rapped, I would be able to guess what it was by touching it. Well I didn't take him seriously so I touched it. Well I didn't get it right away but later that day I started asking questions, and well, I guessed right.
Zack got me a family "Book of Mormon".

It is really cool. I knew they had pictures in them but I had no idea all the other fun things they had. There are maps on the page when it talks of a location

There are pictures in the foot notes to show what a yoke is or a special weapon talked about that is not common to today.

Every time there is a definition in the foot note, the word is highlighted. They make it very kid friendly and we have found it kind of forces you to study the scriptures rather than just read.

He had thought about getting me some new scriptures with my married name on them but my scriptures are not very old and when he found this one he could not resist. What a sweet guy.
We had a very Marry Christmas!

1 comment:

Lorna DeRoest said...

So glad we got to spend Christmas with you both.