Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Trip to Portland

We left Idaho on Friday December 23rd. We were able to spend Christmas Eve with Zack's parents in Vancouver Washington. We were the only kids to come for Christmas this year so it was a small group celebration but we had fun. We played the dice game for a few hours and ate Chinese food, like always.
Christmas morning we left for Portland. Rodney and Lauren came down as well, from her parents house. We exchange stockings and surprised my parents with a new 55' TV.
The rest of the week was pretty laid back until Friday. My mom through us all a graduation party, and not knowing how many people would show up we had a lot of food preparations. Lauren did most of it.
We had a really good turn out to the party and it was great to see everyone again.
We spent new years eve at Zack's parents house and invited my parents to celebrate with us. They came for a few hours but did not want to stay up until midnight because church came early the next morning. As it was, we went to their ward the next morning and then left for our trip home.
It was too short of a trip. There were many people I would have loved to spend more time with.
We have made it home to Rexburg now and are unloading all of our things. Our apartment is starting to feel like a home again.
Sorry I don't really have pictures from the trip. I will have to get some from my mom because I know she took some pictures.

1 comment:

Lorna DeRoest said...

We were so grateful you kids could be here for the Christmas season. It was fun to have the time together, as well as the one on one time. We really miss having you all closer, but that seems to be how life goes.