Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Activity days

I got a new calling in my ward. I am now an activity day leader. For those that don't know, these are the 8-11 year old girls. I get to play with them for 2 hours a month. I was not to sure about this at the beginning but I am way excited now. The other person that is working with me is awesome. We do really well together.
I kept thinking what a great influence we could be on these girls but this past Sunday 6 of our 13 girls got but to bear their testimony in church and I knew at that moment they are going to be influencing me. Each one of them were unique testimonies of the spirit and of faith and the book of Mormon. I forgot what it was like then, and although their testimonies are still in the beginning stages, it is so nice to know how strong a foundation they are setting for themselves. I know I am really going to love this calling.

1 comment:

Randi said...

I am over Activity Days with my calling. I don't have to go to the meetings so I have only made it to 1 so far but I really love what I have seen so far. I hope you enjoy it and feel free to pass on any great ideas you come up with!