Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Temple to temple relay

We started the race at the Rexburg temple at 8am.

Our team mostly consisted of cousins, however some cousins friends joined in and we all had a great time.  JoAnna was the 2nd runner in our team. She ran a 3.4 mile leg in 28 minutes.
 She handed off to Zack who ran a 7.4 mile leg.
 As each of us ran, we had cheering along the way to keep us going. Man did that help. It pushed us faster than we thought we has strength for.
 I could tell you how it went, or you could just look at his face. He had a great time, but man was he tired after.
 We made it to the Idaho falls temple at 1:10. Totaling our time at 5:10 for the full 37.2 mile race.
We did it!!