Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Word is out

The word is out. I am pregnant. I am 11.5 weeks pregnant so far and am due May 28th. I am so excited to have a may baby. That is what I was hoping for. We found out I was pregnant on General Conference weekend and told our immediate family at that point. My first doctors appointment was Friday Nov. 11th 2012. We were able to see our little one for the first time.

 About the size of a lime in this picture.
 Our baby was very active kicking and flipping all over the place. I have seen ultrasound pictures before but I had no idea it would be so active. I loved looking at Zack's reaction to seeing our little one. He was so excited to see every movement and as soon as the pictures were printed he wanted to see them right away. I am so excited he is as excited as I am. He has been so great through this whole experience. He is always asking if he can get me anything or he will just get up and do things around the house so I don't have to.

 This pregnancy has been really easy in comparison to so many pregnancy stories I have heard. Smells have gotten to me and I have had a hard time eating all that I need to. I gag a lot but have only thrown up a couple times due to migraines. Other then that it has been great. I have been able to work still and get things done. I am just a lot more tired than normal. I have not exercised as much as I should mostly because I don't want to have to eat anymore. I am setting up a plan to exercise more though.
 We could not be more blessed.

1 comment:

linda said...

Joanna, I couldn't be more excited!!! You are going to be the best parents. I am dancing with joy!!! Love you
Linda and all the Guzmans