Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Friday, May 17, 2013

38.5 weeks

I had my 38 week appointment today. They gave me the option to check my progress. That procedure is much easier when you are not pregnant. I remember when I got my first pap and pelvic exam it didn't hurt at all but this was a bit different because there was less room for hand due to my belly. I am at -3 stage, so he has not dropped yet but I am 3 cm dilated and 70% effaced. She asked me if I have had any contractions. I told her I didn't know what they felt like so I am not sure. When she went to check babies position, she said, your uterus is currently contracting. She said it isn't labor but you are having braxton hicks. I had no idea. I know this is no real indication of when I will actually go into labor but at least I know my body is progressing and getting ready for it. So we will see. We are getting excited though.

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