Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

miss this

I was thinking about it today, I am really going to miss this. I love feeling him move, having him with me all the time, talking to him and bonding. I know I will be able to see and feel him move when he is out but it will not be the same. I guess right now I am thinking about going back to work after he is born and not being with him all the time. Right now it seems like it is easier to take care of him. There are different stages of life and I am moving onto the next stage but not really sure if I am ready for it. I honestly love being pregnant. I have my moments when I feel uncomfortable or other moments when I just want him out so I can really meet him but I really think I will miss this. I have been blessed with a really good pregnancy and I really appreciate it. I always dreamed of being pregnant and to be honest I think it has lived up to my expectation. For some people I don't think it does and maybe the next one wont but the lord knew it was important I not have a difficult pregnancy for this one because I am working as well. I think that has helped me keep my mind off of aches, pains, nausea, and time passing. I only missed one day of work due to not feeling well and that was before I found out I could take medicine for my head aches.

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