Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Saturday, June 8, 2013

2 weeks old

 Luke is 2 weeks old. He is growing so much. His doctors appointment Thursday, he was 21in long and 8lb. We have had my parents here to help out. My dad went home last week and my mom left this morning. It has been such a blessing to have them here this whole time. I always thought it would be nice to have someone here the first couple of weeks but man that was an understatement. A couple of nights Luke had a grandma slumber party. Thank you so much mom for those nights of extra sleep. The thing is, mom is such a pro, he slept just fine for her. She got just as much sleep as we did. I need to learn her tricks.
Luke has actually been a pretty good sleeper. We are just not used to interrupted sleep yet. His nights and days are a little mixed up still so he likes to be awake from 10pm until 12am, which is when we are ready for bed at night. Silly boy.

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