Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Monday, June 10, 2013

what I thought

So there are some things people do not tell you about babies, or I understood, totally different.
  • Breast fed babies poop still stinks. I swear everyone told me it does not stink until they start to eat real food. That was a lie.
  • You still don't get sleep in the night even if your baby is a good sleeper. If you are nursing, at least for the first few weeks, I have to wake up 3 times a night to pump or feed Luke. He normally only wakes up 1 time out of the 3 I get up. They tell me that will change. I am excited for that day.
  • 8 out of 10 diapers are poopy. Who knew babies poop so much.
  • I can sit and watch Luke for hours,  even when I should be sleeping or getting things done.

This has been a new, exciting and very rewarding few weeks so far.

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