Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Monday, February 7, 2011

feeling better!

Sorry it has been a little while sense I have started feeling better but just haven't had much time to post anything. I don't know if any of you have ever had a back injury but when you sneeze of cough it hurts really bad at first. that feeling has gone away now. I have started working out again. I have a Pilates work out that I have been doing which has been good for flexibility and building up strength again. Zack is trying to get me to stretch more so that doesn't happen again. I told him I have never been able to touch my toes so good luck but he still tries. Who knows maybe one day I will be able to do it when no one else in my family can. Not likely though.
So long story short I am back to normal life as we know it.


Lorna DeRoest said...

I am so glad to hear it. We didn't even get a chance to talk with you this weekend, so I have been wondering. Are you now caught up with your classes that you missed while being laid up?

JoAnna and Zack said...

in a lot of ways yes but some things I still need to do.

Brent said...

I've touched my toes... once. Who knows maybe I'll be able to do it again before you. The competition is on!