Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

G.I. Jasper

It is funny how the little things in life relate to future decisions. In making the decision for the military a lot of little signs started presenting themselves. One of those being G.I. Jasper. He is a build a bear that Zack and I made together right after we started dating. That was probably our second date. Also, I made Zack a Camouflage blanket for his birthday our first summer of dating. Our blog being "Our American Dream" because of our recent love for standing up for what we believe in for our Country. Just little things that didn't have anything to do with joining the ARMY but are just funny to think about the similarities now.On a different note reading our patriarchal blessings gave us a lot of incite for this decision. That is something that relates to every situation in life which is amazing to me. Words stating that I will be self reliant and have angels intercede in my behalf. Zack's stating that he will do a lot of good for his community and serve in leadership positions. This giving us the comfort that no matter what I will be taken care of and Zack is meant to do be a leader and serve.
I have a testimony that the Lord is in control and he will not lead us astray. I am excited for this new adventure in our lives.

1 comment:

Lorna said...

I love how you have a spiritual insight when it comes to making important decisions in life, how how you have appreciated the little things that could really have had some directive for you without realizing it along the way.