Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

So proud

Zack has been doing so well with his physical training to get into the Army. In just two weeks he has worked out so hard and tried to reach his goals. He has been a great motivator for me as well. I have started exercising more also and in turn we have started eating healthier as well.
It seems like no matter what obstacle seems to present themselves in our lives we seem to be able to handle it together and the Lord provides a way. Talking to his adviser, Zack was able to exchange some required Physical Therapy classes for some of his major classes which makes his work load a bit lighter for his remaining 6 semesters.
I am so proud of Zack and the direction he is taking in his life. Good Job honey! I love you.

1 comment:

Lorna DeRoest said...

Congratulations. It is so nice that the two of you are working together on this goal. Any goal can be met if you have someone by your side. You will both feel so much stronger and healthier. Keep up the good work.