Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Womans Conference

Julie B. Beck came to the new BYUI center to speak to the women of the church in eastern Idaho on Saturday February 26th 2011. I had never been inside the BYUIC before but the inside layout looks a lot like the conference center in Utah.
I went to the conference with Heather Tanner, my landlord slash cousin in law.
I wasn't quite sure what sister Beck was going to talk about for 2 hours because she was the only speaker but I was really happy I went because it turned out to be am amazing meeting. She open up for questions and she was very prepared with answers to give. Women asked about how to prepare for missions, whether they should prepare for a mission or just get married. How they can help less active members, how to deal with pornography in the home, what to do when our dreams don't match what the brethren have said about family. All of these were not questions I had asked recently but were very interesting to know the answer to because they could be applied to my relationships with others or some future situation I may find myself in. She was very much enspired in the way she answered each question and all of us I think left more enlightend because of that meeting. I took more notes there than I have in a long time because I didn't want to forget anything.


Naomi said...

That's awesome that she opened up a Q&A session too. That would've been cool to go to. Glad that you got to go and get some enlightenment.

Anthony DeRoest said...

Sounds like it was great, always nice to have a spiritual high. I miss that about Rexburg. Great access to so many wonderful things.
love & hugs