Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Human body

Disclaimer: Does contain pictures that may be disturbing.
In Idaho Falls there was a new exhibit at the Museum of Idaho. Zack needed to go for his class and so we made a date out of it. Sadly we were not allowed to take pictures inside because I found some online that give you a good idea of what we saw. They had cadavers to show each part of the human body. The entire Skeleton, muscle system, circulatory system, each individual organ.
This is actually the same body but the skeleton and muscles have been separated to see the two systems.
This one was crazy to me because I had no idea the circulatory system looked like that. The guy there told us they ran a red silicone through the circulatory system and then dipped the body in acid to get rid of everything else. That is just blood vessels.

This one was not in our exhibit but the pictures of that one were hard to see. This is a body cut 6 times length wise. I love how it shows every little bit of your body to see exactly what is in there.

I am sorry if some of you did not enjoy the pictures. But I hope most of you did. It was a very fun yet interesting date for us.


nanadover said...

I took Uncle Mike to see this exhibit a couple years ago when it was at OMSI. It was awesome, and reminded us what a miracle the human body is. We are not just an accident and we did not evolve from a monkey! I'm glad you guys enjoyed the exhibit too!

Lorna DeRoest said...

I agree, the human body is truly a miracle machine.