Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Friday, March 25, 2011

Rock Climbing

We found a local Rock climbing gym in town that cost $3 to rent all gear and climb for an hour. After an hour, our muscles hurt anyway so it is totally worth it. Zack's cousin Christian introduced us to it on Monday. It was a lot of fun.
Christian belayed Zack, when Zack started to fell Christian came off the ground . It was So funny. It was good I was not belaying.

This was right after, as you can tell neither one of them are hurt, but I love this picture.
Me climbing a comfortable 5.6
Zack climbing 5.9
Chris climbing a 5.9+
We will definitely be going back for some more climbing there in the near future.


Naomi said...

Looks totally fun!

Lorna DeRoest said...

Glad you all had a fun FHE, and were safe.