Our American Dream

Our American Dream

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

school and other updates

The snow still shows up every once and a while but the weather is getting better. In the next few weeks the city pool should open to give us some more outdoor things in this town. I know the idea of an outdoor pool in Rexburg sounds ridiculous and I thought the same thing at first but after talking with the designers I better understand the purpose and I look forward to the end result.
Well out of my six classes this semester 3 of them are first block so I will have only 3 as of June 6th. Happy day! I really enjoy my classes. All of them are just finishing up my major and minor requirements. I am taking an outdoor cooking class that is really interesting and is not just typical food you cook on camp outs. I am also taking a survival class that we are learning alternative ways to make fires, making home made water bottles from gourds and other useful tactics for survival.

For my minor I am taking a toddler lab class where I teach the toddlers twice a week. That class is probably the most demanding of all of them. I am taking a parenting class and a pregnancy class as well, which I am learning a lot from. All and all it will be a good last semester for me.

Zack on the other hand had a hard time signing up for classes because everything he wanted was already taken. He is taking some prerequisites for physical therapy however most of his classes are general studies which prove to be more difficult than the upper division courses. They require more useless busy work to fill the time and demand more than they should for the 2 credits they are worth.
We are hoping this will be an enjoyable semester anyway.

1 comment:

Naomi said...

You have quite the interesting course load sister. I would love to sit in on several of those too. Feel free to share the highlights and any recipes or techniques. :-) Love from Texas.